Enterprise: Healthy Futures

Nurturing healthy lifestyles

Why Healthy Futures?

According to the Public Health Outcomes Framework:

  • Black African children were the most likely to be overweight in 2017/18, with almost a third (30.8%) of those in the 4 to 5 age group overweight, and 46% of those in the 10 to 11 age group overweight
  • The ethnic groups in which children aged 15 were least likely to eat 5-a-day were Black (49.5%) and White (51.1%) – both significantly lower than the average for England 

According to the Active Lives Survey:

  • Overall, in 2017/18, 25% of people aged 16 years and over in England were categorised as ‘physically inactive’ – that is, they did less than 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity a week 
  • People from the Asian, Black, and Other ethnic groups were more likely to be physically inactive than those from the White British, White other and Mixed ethnic groups 

The Healthy Futures project aims to provide children, young people and families of African, Asian and Caribbean heritage with sustainable skills & knowledge to live healthy lifestyles, to improve overall health outcomes.

The project also offers support for families living in poverty through providing food vouchers or other vouchers that can be used to buy cooking equipment.   

Let’s work together

At SEEN, we pride ourselves on the work we do, and are striving to achieve our aims of creating a society where children and young people of African, Asian and Caribbean heritage have equitable futures – working with our partners to deliver these solutions. If you are interested in working with us on this, please get in touch below.