From its inception, Barnardo’s SEEN has sought the views and expertise of children and young people to shape the service and ensure that our work will meet theirneeds and aspirations. In hopes of continuing this co-production, we haveestablished a core group of children and young people to support our work. At SEEN, we recognise that children and young people bring authentic experiences,and we see this as integral to the work that we do.We want to be a vehicle for children and young people’s storytelling and for theirstories to inform delivery of projects, as well as our work in policy and advocacy.
Through our Ambassadors Network, we have been able to create a community ofyoung people, representing the Centre at national conferences, regional roadshows,delivering targeted workshops, working with external partners in developing valuablework and advising on the day-to-day delivery of the Centre.
This initiative seeks to engage young people in efforts to support the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a specific focuson SDG 10, which addresses the goal of ‘reducing inequalities’ by 2030.
Being a Barnardo’s SEEN Ambassador means getting access to opportunities andinitiatives that represent the next generation’s voice on matters relating to the socialequity of African, Asian and Caribbean children and young people.
Our Ambassadors voices are a crucial component of the Centre’s vision to work towards ensuring every child or young person has equity in opportunity through their whole lives.
Our Ambassadors are enthusiastic about sharing their stories and ensuringother young people’s voices are heard. They are both positive and solution-focused, with an interest in tackling the root causations of inequality insociety by championing children’s rights to make a long-lasting impact.
Do you have an opportunity for one of our Ambassadors? Contact: